Uxbridge council receives a pay raise

Roger Varley

In a report to council Monday on compensation and succession planning, Mayor Dave Barton announced new salaries for all members of council.

The mayor's annual salary will increase to $53,811, up from $48,207. Salaries for all councillors will go up to $34,765 from the previous $31,268. There will also be increases in stipends paid to members of council for chairing committees. Previously, the chair of the finance committee received $2,743, while all other chairs were paid $1,920. Now, the chairs of the finance, public works, planning and administration committees will be paid $3,850 while the chairs of heritage, parks and the environment will all get $2,864.

In addition, the position of deputy mayor will be worth $400 a month. The new payment schedule is retroactive to Nov. 22, 2022.

Barton said the changes were made "in hopes of continuing to attract and retain elected officials with diverse skills, experience, and backgrounds." He said adequate compensation is needed to attract candidates for office, noting that two positions on council were filled by acclamation in the last municipal election. Councillor Zed Pickering also noted a large number of council positions in other municipalities near Uxbridge were filled by acclamation.

Barton said the changes in compensation should have been made at the end of the last council's term but they weren't made because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tornado and other issues.

"The timing was not appropriate," he said.

Councillor Gord Shreeve noted during the discussion that "I was told it was a part-time job. It isn't," while Regional Councillor Bruce Garrod said he wasn't sure that the regional councillor's pay should be the same as ward councillors'.

The same report also made some changes to the various committees. Councillor Willie Popp will move from finance to public works; Garrod will move from public works to administration and Barton will move from administration to finance. All other chairs remain unchanged.

Barton also announced a rotation of the deputy mayor position. Todd Snooks will hold the position effective May 1; Pickering will be Deputy Mayor effective March 1, 2025; and Garrod will take over effective Jan. 1, 2026. However, Barton said that "in recognition of the emergency training undertaken by Councillor Popp and his wealth of expertise," Popp will remain appointed as the Alternate for the Mayor in the sole case of the absence or inability of the Mayor to act in an emergency."

When asked why councillors receive extra pay for chairing committees, Barton said it was to compensate for additional work.

"Most municipalities do the same," he said.


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